
Artificial Insemination in Goats

The training took place at Egerton University on the 13th – 15th of November, 2013.

The training started on a very high notch with the conduction of artificial insemination in dairy goats at the Dairy Goats Improvement Centre under the supervision of Dr. Terry Gipson of Langston University, a specialist with considerable experience in goat breeding.

Slaughtering of a doe

A doe (female goat) was slaughtered to demonstrate the basic female reproductive anatomy and physiology. The average length of the estrous cycle of goats is 21 days, with a normal range of 19 to 23 days. Estrus is basically the period in which the doe is sexually receptive to the buck (male goat). Does are approximately I estrus for 24hours and ovulate at the end of estrus.

The reproductive tract of the doe consists of several structures. The ovaries are the primary sex organs of the female. Its function is to produce ova and secrete the female reproductive hormone called estrogen. The fallopian tubes are site for fertilization.

They transport ova, sperm and zygote to the uterus. For both the ovaries and the fallopian tubes, there are two uterine horns but they connect to a single uterine body. The uterus is a site for embryonic implantation and fetal development.

The cervix is a muscular body consisting of several cervical rings made of cartilage. The opening of the cervix is called the OS cervix. The cervix is a gateway to the uterus. During estrus, the cervix secretes thin, clear mucus that changes consistency, elasticity and colour as estrus progresses. The vagina is the organ for copulation. Its function is to receive semen during natural mating.

Hormones involved in the estrus cycle

The estrus cycle is controlled by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the ovaries. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) is produced in the hypothalamus of the brain and controls the release of two Gonadotropin hormones from the pituitary glands.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is produced by the pituitary gland and stimulates follicle development and estrogen production. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is produced by the pituitary gland and triggers ovulation and is necessary for development and maintenance of the corpus luteum.

Estrogen is produced by the ovarian follicles. It causes sexual excitability, increases fluid production and muscular contractions of the reproductive tract, and triggers increased release of LH.

Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum. It prevents further estrus during pregnancy and maintains pregnancy. Prostaglandin is produced by the uterine wall and causes regression of the corpus luteum when pregnancy does not occur.

The estrus cycle

Day 1 of the estrus cycle is called the estrus.

This is the period when the female is most sexually receptive, due to high levels of estrogen. An Increased estrogen levels bring about a surge of LH, which triggers ovulation towards end of estrus.

Days 2-5 of the cycle is called the metestrus and is the period when the corpus luteum forms and begins to produce progesterone.

Days 5-18 of the cycle is called diestrus and is the period when the corpus luteum is highly active in its production of the progesterone. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum is maintained and further estrus is inhibited. If pregnancy does not occur, prostaglandin from the uterine wall causes regression of the corpus luteum.

Days 28-21 of the cycle is proestrus and is the period between the regression of the corpus luteum and estrus, when follicles development is occurring and estrogen production is increasing.

For artificial insemination, possibly the most important sign of estrus is the change in consistency, elasticity and colour of the vaginal mucus.

This is assessed by examining the mucus located in the anterior portion of the vagina. Mucus that is thin, watery and clear is an indication that the doe is too early in estrus for a properly timed insemination.

Mucus that is thick, pasty and white or pale yellow is an indication that the doe is past her proper time. Other signs of estrus include; increased vocalization,, increased vaginal mucus discharge, decreased milk yield, increased urination, tail wagging, swollen vulva e.t.c.

How to determine scrotal circumference

On the same line, the participants were taught how to determine the scrotal circumference of a buck. Scrotal circumference has been viewed to be the most controversial component of the BSE; this is because, scrotal circumference is highly correlated to testicular weight which in turn is highly correlated to sperm producing capacity. Generally, each gram of testicle produces 15 million sperm per day making it a total of at least 6billion sperms produced from both testicles a day.

Collection of semen

At this stage is when the participants were taught how to collect semen from the buck using the artificial vagina (AV). Due to the fact that a male is supposed to service a number of females, determining the potential fertility of the male is much more important than determining the fertility of any individual female.

First and foremost the participants were taught on how to conduct a Breeding Soundness Examination (BSE). This examination mainly gives the processor the opportunity to screen bucks.

They were taught on how to conduct physical examination on the bucks. This included evaluation of testicular consistency and scrotal shape, examination of the sheath, prepuce and the penis. Testis ought to be firm with a slight spongy feeling.

Mushy testis or enlarged epididymis could be a sign of infection or other abnormalities. Some scrotal shapes can affect sperm production.

The collection of the semen is done by the use of an AV. The AV uses thermal and mechanical stimulation to stimulate ejaculation. It is about 2cm in length and has an inner diameter of about 6cm. it has an inner rubber liner.

A latex rubber collection cone is placed in the AV and a graduated collection tube is placed at the end of the cone. The buck is then brought for semen collection by allowing him to mount the doe in estrus.

The doe is restrained so that the buck can become aroused and can mount her; this is because the doe emits a smell when in estrus that excites the buck and cause it to give a better ejaculate.

The doe is tied or held and the buck is allowed to go through his courting behaviour. The buck is then allowed a few false mounts, which in turn gives an increased ejaculate volume.

It takes two people in close proximity to the buck to perform a collection; one to semi- restrain the doe and the other to direct the penis into the AV. The collection tube containing the ejaculate should be protected from direct sunlight and cold temperatures.

Extension of semen

After collection of the semen, the team went further to extend the semen. The main reason as to why the semen was extended was; to provide nutrients as a source of energy; provide protection against the harmful effects of cooling, provide a buffer to prevent shifts in pH as lactic acid is formed.

To maintain the proper osmotic pressure and electrolyte balance; to inhibit bacterial growth; to increase the volume of semen so that multiple inseminations could be performed and to provide an environment in which metabolic activities of the sperm could continue.
In our scenario, a solution of skimmed milk, water and penicillin was used as an extender.

The water must boil to 95o C. After thorough mixing water and the skimmed milk, the antibiotic was added, mixed thoroughly. Thereafter, the solution was added to the collected semen. With this done, the semen was ready for artificial insemination. The extended semen is to be used within 24hours; this is because the extender slows down the rate of metabolism. If the semen is not extended, it can be used between 3- 4 hours because the semen is still very active.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination is a simple technique that, when performed with skill properly founded on knowledge, offers ease of use and a good level of success. However, results can be discouragingly poor for an inseminator lacking knowledge and the necessary attention to details needed for a successful outcome.

Proper restraint of the doe is necessary to ensure the safety of the doe and the inseminator during the insemination process. The doe should be comfortable and should experience a minimum amount of stress. Excessive stress can have adverse effects upon the success of the inseminating event.

Restraining the doe in a vertical plane is a desirable option. An assistant is essential for restraining the doe. He or she stands with the doe’s neck between his or her legs, which act as a head gate. The inseminator lifts the hind legs of the doe and the assistant grabs the cannon bones just below the hock on both hind legs.

In twisting his or her hands slightly inwardly, the assistant will allow the stifle of the doe to rest on his or her forearms. The majority of the weight of the goat is then on the forearms of the assistant.

Determining the proper time to inseminate is not only critical with regard to the condition of the spermatozoa and ovum when they come in contact with one another, but is critical to facilitate proper placement of semen in the reproductive tract. It is necessary that proper timing be achieved to allow the artificial insemination gun to penetrate and traverse the cervix prior to semen deposition. A properly timed procedure should allow for relative ease in manipulating through the cervical rings.

Semen should be deposited within an approximation of like timing to the occurrence of ovulation. Ovulation occurs just before or shortly following the end of the doe’s standing heat. Once the men is properly deposited

Artificial insemination in goats is not as easy as one may think, it requires patience. Going by the words of the course- co-coordinator, Dr. Terry Gipson, the participants had every reason to be a happy lot. They were humbled by the coordinators comments of them being the best group that he has ever trained since time immemorial. The participants were an articulate lot with excellent skills of milking the semen in the AV. T o say the least , they were being taught by an expert with a wide experience in goat breeding, and yes the participants too did were too sharp, gaining all the skills and expertise on the first day of the workshop.

They were very patient, bearing in mind that the task of A.I in goats is not an easy one as one may perceive. You might be prompted to think that A.I in goats is an easy task, but wait till you do it, then you will get to know how the participants were very patient making the achieved results to be of an excellent nature.

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Dairy Goats

The Trilateral Partnership for Food Security, a program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), saw the successful importation of three breeds of dairy goats namely; alpine, toggenburg and saneen from South Africa to Nairobi and finally to Egerton University on the 27th of July, 2013.

They are a total of 30 goats with 5 sires and 5 dams for each breed. The goats were put under intensive care at the Dairy Goats Improvement Centre to facilitate quick adaptation of the Kenyan climate by the goats.

Alpine goats have a short glossy black coat with dazzling white face and leg markings. They are very good browsers and probably more content with part woodland and part pasture.

This breed of goats are proving their worth in commercial herds for their quality milk of high total solids that is required for today’s market, something which dairy product manufacturers all over the world are seeking.

Alpines have the advantage that they milk through two years without kidding and their milk is well known for its good flavor and high nutritional value. They do require grass for grazing however; they can live in areas of sparse growth that cannot support sheep and cows.

Saneen is a calm animal with short hair uniformly white. It is the dairy breed most widespread in the world. The saneen breed produces the most milk average and tends to have lower butterfat content.

They express unquestionable aptitude under intensive production.The Toggenburg breed is brown with white stripes on the face, ears and legs; are mostly short haired with erect ears. They are reliable milk producers in both temperate and tropical zones.

This project will be of great benefit to the university students and the surrounding community at large. This is because, unlike dairy goats, milk production from dairy cattle requires substantial capital investments including land, labour and technical, financial and managerial skills.

All these factors of production are not within the reach of most rural households who are resource limited and lack basic skills.

The goat has lower maintenance requirements compared to the cow and thus makes it an ideal animal for milk production by small scale farmers and rural households. In addition, goat milk production has the advantage that goat enterprises have lower capital investment requirements, concurrent with lower overall skills.

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Langstroth Bee Hives

The 6th of August, 2013 saw the delivery of 41 langstroth bee hives at the Trilateral Partnership for Food Security office at the zero grazing area, Egerton University.

This was made possible by the Trilateral Partnership for Food Security, a program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Being less disruptive to bees during inspections and its better yields in terms of honey production compared to others, this is the most recommended beehive.

The brood chamber and the honey super are divided such that only the available honey is harvested. The frames of the super fit perfectly into the extractor and in this way the combs are not destroyed every time honey is harvested.

The langstroth hives uses frames which are often filled with some form of foundation therefore, giving the bees a proper starting position and a template for building comb.

These beehives impose artificial segregation of the colony by physically dividing honey from brood by the use of brood chambers, which provide residence for the bees and also enhances the development of brood. In addition, it has honey suppers which facilitate excessive collection of honey by the langstroth hives.

These types of beehives have been deemed to have more advantages over other types of beehives which include;

  • they make better use of chimney effect by allowing heat and moisture to rise up and out of the hive in situations where ventilated top covers are used;
  • the process of honey harvesting in this type of hives has been made easier due to the usage of a clearing board and an extractor; since honey is often extracted from reusable comb, only small amounts of wax is lost during honey production.

This therefore means that the same comb if properly stored can be used season after season without it being replaced by the bees, rendering langstroth hives more effective; due to their modular design, they are perfect for expansion and contraction of particular hives. Hives can be made larger to fit more bees or smaller to fit fewer depending on seasonal population.

Beekeeping offers a great potential for development and is comparatively less demanding in terms of investment, labour and time. Beekeeping is advocated to improve human welfare by alleviating poverty through increased household income; it is a source of food, medicine and a raw material for various industries.

The project will help the students in carrying out extensive research in beekeeping and production.

This move by the Trilateral Partnership for Food Security of introducing the langstroth beehives in the project apiary based at Egerton University in such a large number, will serve as an eye opener to the local community on the advantages and benefits that come along with the usage of the above named beehives; making them to abandon their indigenous methods of beekeeping as a result, smallholder beekeepers in the surrounding community will have increased harvest of honey and marketing of bee products; this will improve their household incomes and livelihoods.

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Management development workshop on the 11th – 13th February

Management development workshop will be held in Kenya on the 11th  13th February.

For more information please contact us through the following contacts:

P. O. Box 536,
20115 Egerton
Tel: +254 51 221 7684/5
Fax: +254 51 221 7682
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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