Over the past OSU has collaborated with EGU and also has a long history of collaborations with PAU going back to 1955. It is on the relationships that OSU will build the trilateral partnership.
OSU collaborated with EGU on Higher Education Partnership for Agricultural Development (HEPAD) over the past decade. This was a BIFAD recommended pilot project.
Under this project EGU faculty members participated in sandwich degree training program in OSU; agribusiness internships for EGU students were established in Kenyan agribusinesses; and agribusiness case studies were undertaken and subsequently used as classroom teachiing materials. Graduate students were co-mentored by Kenya and OSU advisors and Thesis research was conducted in Kenya on problems relevant to Kenya.
OSU also has a history of collaborative research in kenya, some of which engaged faculty from EGU and other Kenyan higher agricultural education institutions as well as the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI).
OSU was involved in the original development of PAU. Over the past 15 years, OSU and PAU have had several major collaborative programs. These include:
- Creation of a food industry center
- Creation of a program for teaching and learning excellence
- Internship program improvement
- Soil and water conservation and management.
OSU has also had and maintains related partnership activities in East Africa.
It has maintained collaborative relationship with Makerere University in Uganda since 1983 and with Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania since 2001